A Few Useful Details Regarding of SOG-Netting

SOG Netting is one of the best techniques that you can use when it comes to growing high quality crops. Regardless of the fact that you are growing your cultivation indoors or outdoors, it is strongly recommended to make use of SOG or trellis netting to maximize your yields.

screen of green method applied in cannabis crops
The MALLAJUANA net have like purpose provide a good tutroing for the growth of your crops.

When it comes to growing hemp, there are two major techniques commonly used by majority of the farmers from all over the world. The first one is known as SOG or the Sea of Green. This technique makes use of SOG net for supporting the cultivation. On the other hand, the second technique is known as SCROG or the Screen of Green. This one makes use of SCROG netting for guiding the growth of the plants. Since this topic is meant to share some viable information on SOG net, a few details regarding how you might be able to support your cultivation using SOG net have been mentioned below.


The technique of Sea of Green or SOG comes in handy, especially when you are planning on growing a number of plants in confined indoor spaces or massive areas outdoors. The growth of the plants in such scenarios is limited to just a small number of days till the flowering gets induced. Resultantly, there is not any production of lateral branches while their growth continues in the vertical orientation. As a matter of fact, the plants go through very quick growth and get filled up with outbreaks in a short period of time. Such kind of method is strongly recommended by commercial farmers who are interested in getting the best yield within a short amount of time. SOG-netting turns out to be very convenient in such cases, as flowering room gets maximized while the overall product is highly increased.

cannabis crops using mallajuana
The SOG net are a technique very effective for tutoring your crops and help them to get the best growth.

If you are interested in applying this type of technique on your plants, it is strongly recommended for you to pick up a kind that harvests some lateral branches along with a dominant, full bodied stem. You should go for a type that does not rise vertically and is capable of blooming in a limited amount of time. SOG net is normally directly applied on plantations or it is sometimes fixed on a steady structure. Regardless of its orientation, it proves to be helpful in keeping the cultivation erect and let it grow more swiftly. When the plants come across the stage of flowering, the foliage weight increases significantly. In such scenarios, SOG net serves as the perfect support for your cultivations.

The design created for SOG net is almost perfect to properly guide the branches in the right direction so that the maximum number of leaves get proper exposure to light. SOG net is also sometimes used for reinforcing stems and training the plants. When a plant’s main stem gets attached to trellis, it experiences a certain hormonal process that helps it grow thicker. So if you are using trellis netting at this stage, all the branches of your plants are supposed to remain sufficiently, evenly spaced; thus leaving them behind with the ability to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight possible. In addition to this, the netting also ensures the fact that the air is properly circulated through the plants; as it is very important in densely cultivated and humid environments, which are prevalent in many parts of the world. Care should be taken in this regard as some of the plant varieties are vulnerable to different types of molds and parasites. Upon exposure to humidity, they have a tendency to develop different diseases, virus and fungi. But when you make use of SOG-netting, the branches of your plants are spaced evenly which ensures the fact that sufficient amounts of sunlight are absorbed by the entire plant, making it less vulnerable to the potential diseases.

Benefits of SOG-Netting

cannabis sheets
A Difference of other methods, the SOG method provide of many advantages for the crops.

A number of advantages may be achieved by making use of the Sea of Green technique over other similar methods. One particular thing in this regard is the fact that it proves really helpful in obtaining high quality harvest within a short amount of time. Other notable benefits have been listed below:

  • Speedy cultivation
  • Faster harvestf
  • Optimal usage of available space
  • Maximum uniformity of the entire crop
  • Ideal for cultivating low height plants with rapid development

Disadvantages of SOG-Netting

A few of the cons associated with using SOG method have been listed below.

  • Requires a lot of maintenance
  • Only allows the use of clones
  • Requires a lot of intense sunlight
  • Legal obligations regarding extensive cultivation areas

Why Should You Make Use of SOG-Netting

As discussed above, SOG net is associated with a number of advantages that are hard to find in other similar cultivation techniques. If you are planning on using SOG net for this purpose, you are going to make the most out of this venture when you will do it properly. The structure of the netting is very optimal for guiding the plants through square meshes. The netting is manufactured using high density polyethylene that provides it with enough durability and strength. The flexibility provided by the netting enables it to get well suited to any size and kind of crops. Cutting or resizing the netting as per requirements is very easy. The overall idea is pretty economical since it is not only durable but it may also be reused in numerous crop cycles. Unlike the other nets, the SOG net is not manufactured using filaments. That is the reason why it does not attract any bacteria. Some of the qualities enjoyed by the farmers of SOG-netting are:

sog method in cannabis cropfield
The SOG method are a good technique for tutoring of your crops, besides, has a low price.
  • Reusability
  • Adaptability
  • Flexibility
  • Durability
  • Resistance against bacteria

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